Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Get Spinal Misalignments / Sublaxations?

There are 3 causes of subluxations: PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL, and EMOTIONAL stresses.

Examples of PHYSICAL stresses include slips, falls, accidents, giving birth, repetitive motions, poor posture and improper lifting. This type of stress is most often associated with chiropractic, but in reality is the least common cause of subluxations.

Examples of EMOTIONAL stresses include worry, grief, anger, and fear. These are by far the most common causes of subluxations.

Examples of CHEMICAL stresses include alcohol, drugs, pollution, smoking, environment, and poor diet. These are the second most common cause of subluxations. Usually it is a combination of all three stresses that cause subluxations.

How do I Know if I have a Sublaxation?

Unfortunately, most of the time you don't know. It is true that some vertebral subluxations may be accompanied by pain and/or muscle spasms, but in many cases subluxations are present without any obvious symptoms. The only way to be certain is to have your spine checked regularly by a trained chiropractor. Like early stages of cancer, heart disease, and tooth decay, subluxations can be present without any warning signs. Only a thorough spinal analysis can show the location and severity of any subluxations you may have.

Are Chiropractic Adjustments Safe?

Absolutely. Studies have proven that adjustments are remarkably safe. Many hours of training and years of perfecting our art has made chiropractic the safest and most effective form of natural health care. If you have any doubts, compare the statistics and check malpractice fees for chiropractors vs. other medical specialties. Adjustments are much safer than taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. The only side effect from an adjustment is BETTER HEALTH!

What is that Cracking Sound during an  Adjustment?

Lubricating fluids separate the bones of each spinal joint. Some adjusting techniques will produce a sound when the gas and fluids in the joints shift. The sound itself is not a guide to the quality or value of the adjustment. In other words, you can be adjusted without producing the sound or you can produce the sound without being properly adjusted.

Can I Adjust Myself?

No. Some people can make their joints "pop", but that is not an adjustment. In many instances you are moving hypermobile joints (joints that move too much to make up for the "stuck" joints). By doing so you give the stuck joints no incentive to heal. Adjustments are very specific and take years to study and master.

Does my Mattress or How I Sleep have anything to do with My Adjustments?

Everyone has slept on a bad mattress, couch, or chair and awoken stiff and sore. Logically a good mattress helps support your spine and helps hold your adjustments longer. Sleeping on your stomach jams your spinal joints together and in many cases will cause or aggravate pain. Many people report that sleeping on their side or back helps with discomfort. Ideally you want to keep your spine in a straight line when you sleep on your side. You do not want pillows that are too high or too flat. Experiment and see what works best for you.

Why do some People Need more Frequent Adjustments than Others?

Everyone experiences different levels of stress and everyone's ability to handle stress is different. Our bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves are all different and will respond differently depending on the person. We also have different genetic predispositions to subluxations, which are inherited from our parents and grandparents. We do different things to either promote or damage our health. With all of that said it is easy to see how some may need more frequent care than others. As you progress with care we will determine together what frequency is best for you based on your subluxation patterns.

How often should I get Adjusted?

To answer this you must remember that the purpose for getting adjusted is to correct misalignments/subluxations. The problem is that subluxations (like dental cavities) often don't cause pain until they have been there for a while. For optimal health you need routine care just like brushing your teeth, working out, and eating right. We believe in a preventative approach to healthcare, not just pain relief. Most of our patients are on wellness plans, which includes weekly adjustments.

So What's Next?

That is really up to you. If you see room for improvement in your life and are serious about improving your health - physically, mentally and emotionally, call us for an appointment. A chiropractic spinal exam is easy and painless. If you have a vertebral subluxation, the correction of it is also easy and painless. Potential is something we have all been blessed with - whether or not you fully express it is entirely up to you.

Newport Beach Chiropractic & Wellness